Good afternoon I hope you’re well!My title a bit out there you think. I’ve probably been called it as many… Read more The black nurse
Category: life
I’ve got your back, do you have mine?
It’s really been a long time, hasn’t it? Over the last year or so, every time my notification for my… Read more I’ve got your back, do you have mine?
Where’s the agency nurse?
She’s not at work that’s for sure! Backpacking was a dream and whilst I was initially glad to be home,… Read more Where’s the agency nurse?
The burn out is real
So I thought this was a mythical thing people told you about. But i learnt the hard way, it’s oh… Read more The burn out is real
Settling down or are we just settling?
Relationships, situationships, singletons and dating. Over the last week, this conversation has reared its head in so many shapes… Read more Settling down or are we just settling?